Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Accident Avoidance Course - 6384 Words

TSP NO: DATE: USACRC 012 ­GS ­0005 1 June 2006 TRAINING SUPPORT PACKAGE FOR TASK TITLE(S): Accident Avoidance Course U.S. Army Installation Management Agency THIS PACKAGE HAS BEEN DEVELOPED FOR: United States Army Installation Management Agency PROPONENT FOR THIS TSP IS: United States Army Installation Management Agency, FOREIGN DISCLOSURE RESTRICTIONS: This product has been reviewed by the product developers in coordination with the IMA foreign disclosure authority. This product is releasable to students from all requesting foreign countries without restrictions. 1 1 Jun 06 (TASK TITLE) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE LESSON PLAN SECTION I – ADMINISTRATIVE DATA SECTION II – INTRODUCTION TERMINAL†¦show more content†¦The course review and conclusion become â€Å"active† only after you complete each of the sections. Use the â€Å"LIGHT METERS† serve as your bookmark if you should have to leave the course for any reason. Should you need assistance in a given area, look to the bottom of the screen for area tips, or click the â€Å"Help† button at anytime. Your first assignment is to review today’s headlines. 6 NOTE: Click â€Å"START COURSE† Terminal Learning Objective NOTE: Inform the students of the following terminal learning objective. At the completion of this lesson, you (the student) will: ACTION: CONDITIONS: STANDARDS: Identify the different features of an effective Accident Avoidance Program. In a classroom environment with facilitated group discussions. Recognize different features of an effective Accident Avoidance Program. Safety Requirements Risk Assessment Level Environmental Consideration Evaluation None Low It is the responsibility of all Soldiers to protect the environment from damage. Every time you drive a vehicle. SECTION III – PRESENTATION ELO A ACTION: CONDITIONS: STANDARDS: 1. Identify how attitudes affect the way people drive. In a classroom environment with facilitated group discussions. Recognize different features of an effective Accident Avoidance Program. Learning Step/Activity 1 – Read Today’s Headlines. Method of instruction: Conference. .Show MoreRelatedRisk Management Plan For A Company1333 Words   |  6 Pagesready to help reduce and prevent those risks because most risks in a company are uncertain. When a company is facing risks that are uncertain, these risks come up very fast and they could be potentially harmful. They should be treated right away. Of course the work must be performed first as long as they are not of sever threat. Perform the work as planned keeping in mind those uncertain risks. Some risk management plans requires companies to identify the risk that are exposed to the company, measuringRead MoreBefivfbowbofboip11296 Words   |  6 Pageswith her car accident as well as losing her father to a car accident. 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