Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Mission Of The Career And Community Studies - 1475 Words

Career and Community Studies or CCS for short is a college-based, non-degree programme offered here at The College of New Jersey. This programme prepares students with intellectual and developmental disabilities for adult life; it provides both specialised coursework as well as courses that students can audit under the general undergraduate offering. CCS aims to expose young people with intellectual disabilities to a meaningful and rigorous college experience that helps them to discover who they are, and to come upon and explore their gifts. â€Å"The mission of the Career and Community Studies (CCS) Program at The College of New Jersey is to provide a coordinated and comprehensive course of study that includes career exploration and preparation, self awareness, discovery and personal improvement, through a framework of liberal learning and community participation. (Career and Community Studies, n.d.)† The goal of CCS is to prepare young adults to enter the real world. What CCS does is provide students who are part of the programme with the same opportunity that is provided to any other undergraduate. Students are interested in a variety of careers, so the students in the CCS programme are going out to take courses in a variety of different departments. CCS believes that in order to become independent, successful adults, who are able to be active members in society, is it important to develop a set of skills, and to also understand the world around them. Self-empowerment isShow MoreRelatedAn Assessment Of University Of North Texas Career Center902 Words   |  4 PagesAn Assessment of University of North Texas Career Center The Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) uses standards and guidelines to promote, develop, and assess the quality of programs and services for student affairs professionals in higher education (Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education, 2015). 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